Causes and Risk Factors of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the cancer of the prostate gland; it’s a serious disease and it affects millions of Indians every year who are in their middle age or are older. In most cases, prostate cancer occurs in the men who are older than the age of 65 years.

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Prostate gland is a small, pear-shaped gland that’s situated in the lower abdomen of men. It’s found under the urinary bladder and surrounds the urethra. The gland is regulated by testosterone and its function is to produce seminal fluid, or semen. Seminal fluid is the very substance that contains and carries sperm out of the urethra while ejaculation.

When a malignant and abnormal growth of cells, also known as tumor, takes place in the prostate gland, it is known as prostate cancer. The prostate cancer can also spread to the other areas of a person’s body. This is why it is important to get prostate cancer treatment in Delhi before its too late.

There are no known causes for occurrence of prostate cancer. Similar to other types of cancer, it can be caused by several things which includes exposure to certain types of chemicals or a family history, suggests the Uro Onco Surgeon in Delhi.

Prostate cancer can happen in any man, however, there are some factors that can increase a man’s risk of developing it:

  • Older age
  • Family history of having prostate cancer
  • Obesity
  • Genetic changes
  • Certain race or ethnicities – for instance, the African American males have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer

Benefits of Robotic Surgery to Patients and Surgeons

Robotic surgery is the latest technological advancement in the field of medical science. It is a form of minimally invasive surgery where a robot is used as an assistant to assist the robotic surgeon in performing the surgery. The robot is capable of enhancing the surgeon’s ability to operate more accurately and with greater precision. Robotic surgery cancer has been very popular for making the surgery much more successful. Robotic surgery is beneficial to both patients and surgeons in many ways.

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Benefits to the Patients

  • With robotic surgery, the operation gets much more precise. Often, the surgeons are required to operate certain sensitive parts of the body, or around healthy organs, tissues and nerves and need to make sure nothing goes wrong, and robotic surgery makes it possible.
  • With robotic surgery, the amount of pain gets significantly reduced.
  • It also minimizes the risk of loss of blood and risk of infection, as it is minimally-invasive requiring smaller incisions.

Benefits to the Surgeons

  • The robotic console offers a much-enhanced visualization of the site to be operated to the robotic surgeon in India. The cameras used are HD and are much more stable offering magnified and detailed visualization.
  • The console enables the doctor to operate with higher dexterity. The console helps reduce fatigue providing higher accuracy and precision. The robotic arms that are used during the surgery can move in all direction and further enhances the accuracy.
  • The robotic technology with its enhanced accuracy as well as flexibility allows the surgeon to gain access to those hard-to-reach areas.
Kidney Cancer Treatment Specialist Delhi

Prostate Cancer: Prevention

There are a number of factors that causes the different types of cancers. The researchers around the world are constantly looking into the factors that cause prostate cancer. While there isn’t any proven way yet to prevent prostate cancer completely, the risk of acquiring it can surely be minimized. You may want to speak to the best urologist in Delhi to know more about the risk you have of acquiring prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer Specialist in Delhi
Prostate Cancer Specialist in Delhi


5-ARIs or 5-alpha reductase inhibitors is a class of drug that includes finasteride (proscar) and dutasteride (avodart). These drugs are used in the treatment of BPH. These drugs may also minimize a person’s risk of developing a prostate cancer. Although, there were clinical trials previously that indicated 5-ARIs to be linked to the more aggressive prostate cancers, there are newer studies that suggest that it isn’t true. You must discuss with the prostate cancer specialist in Delhi about the possible side-effects and benefits of taking this class of drugs.

Dietary Changes

There hasn’t been enough information as to indicating the exact role that eating behaviors play in preventing prostate cancer. Dietary and lifestyle changes need to be made during the earlier age in a person’s life to minimize the risk of prostate cancer. The best urologist in Delhi suggests avoiding food high in sugar and fat, especially animal fats, as it increases risk of developing prostate cancer. Follow a diet that is high in fruits, legumes and vegetables, like peas and beans, and it decreases the risk of developing prostate cancer.

Follow-Up Care After Prostate Cancer Treatment

Follow-up care is necessary even after active treatment for prostate cancer is completed. Your doctor and the healthcare team will continue to keep a check on you in order to make sure that the cancer hasn’t recurred, to manage the side-effects (if any), and to monitor their overall health.


Your follow up care will include medical tests, physical examinations, or both. The best surgeon for prostate cancer wants to keep a consistent track of how you recover during the period following treatment. Here is why follow-up care is so important:

Watching for recurrence

One of the major goals of follow up care after prostate cancer treatment is to check for any signs of recurrence. Cancer often recurs due to small areas of prostate cancer cells that may have remained undetected within the body, even after treatment. Over time, the number of these cells may multiply, until these cancer cells show up on the test results are start causing symptoms or signs of cancer.

Managing the long-term and late side-effects

Side-effects can be expected to occur in most people diagnosed with prostate cancer when receiving treatment. However, many people might be surprised when these side-effects linger on to them well beyond the period of treatment. Such side-effects are known as long-term side-effects. Other types of side-effects may occur months or years after treatment period has passed. These side-effects are known as late side-effects. The urologist in Delhi suggests both these types of side effects are known to cause both emotional as well as physical changes in a person.

Common Symptoms Of Bladder Cancer

With early detection of bladder cancer, you will get better treatment. So, it is critical that you visit your general physician as early as possible, when you experience any symptoms of bladder cancer.


Here are some of the most common symptoms of bladder cancer.

Blood in urine

One of the most common bladder cancer symptoms is the presence of blood in your urine. The condition where there is blood present in urine is known as Hematuria. In such a condition the color of your urine might be red, rusty/brown or pink. The presence of urine might be very little, while at times you may notice clots or streaks of blood while urinating.

Sometimes, clots may form in the urinary bladder that may lead to difficulty in urinating or complete inability to urinate. Therefore, it is very important that you get bladder cancer treatment in Delhi as soon as possible.

Recurrent urinary infections

Recurrent urinary infections, especially in women, is another common bladder cancer symptom. Your doctor may diagnose you with UTI and prescribe antibiotics course which will help the bleeding settle. But one mustn’t assume that the problem is cured with antibiotics. If you have bladder cancer, bleeding may start once again. So, get it investigated and get a bladder cancer treatment in Delhi as early as possible.

General pain

Many people may experience pain and discomfort in the stomach or lower back. However, the best surgeon for prostate cancer suggests that this is a fairly uncommon symptom when in the early stages of the bladder cancer.

Find The Best Surgeon For Prostate Cancer

Human life is delicate and it is surrounded by a large number of threats. When people do not follow a healthy lifestyle then they are more likely to fall prey to several kinds of diseases. There is no surety of an individual not catching a disease. Cancer is one such problem whose reasons are still not known accurately. Every year, a large number of people are diagnosed with one or the other kind of cancer. Prostate cancer is the one which affects the prostate gland. If there is any issue with the prostate gland then an individual may experience several issues. In order to remove cancer from the body, whole of the prostate gland may need to be removed. For this, one needs to find the Best Surgeon for Prostate Cancer.



Kidney is one of the main organs of the body and it plays a very important role. It helps us digesting food. If someone has kidney cancer then he may need a surgery at some point of time. In order to know about the best Kidney Cancer Treatment Specialist Delhi, people need to search the internet.


Online, people will find it easier to get any information related to various cancer care centers. These days, people can also read reviews of a particular health care center or doctor by going online. It is always important to find the best doctor to know the right path of treatment. Cancer is a deadly disease but many people fight and survive it also.

What Is The Treatment For Prostate Cancer?

prostate cancer is one of the common cancers which are causing deaths across the world. It is considered as one of the most dreaded disease which makes the life of an individual miserable and drags him to death. However with advancements in the field and also availability of prostate cancer specialist in Delhi the number of patients dying due to the disease is decreasing.

Treatment of prostate cancer:

The treatment for cancer can be classified into two categories i.e. local and systemic therapy. Options like surgery and radiation therapy are often chosen as by best urologist in Delhi which are helpful in controlling disease in a particular area of the body.


Surgery in case of prostate cancer:

In case of surgery either part of complete prostate gland is removed from the body and this process is known as prostatectomy. Herein different surgical methods are chosen to achieve best results i.e. radical retropubic prostatectomy and laparoscopy etc. Surgery is one of the most common methods chosen for treatment of cancer. However there are side effects of the surgery i.e. dry orgasms, urinary incontinence and also impotency.

For treating the patient different types of radiation therapy are chosen. In case of first options radiations are externally products such that cancer cells within the body can be killed. Apart from that there is also a therapy known as brachytherapy wherein the radioactive material is implanted within the body of patient in the form of small seeds. These seeds are quite useful for destroying cancer cells within the body.

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KIDNEY CANCERS – Dr. Anant Kumar

What are Kidney tumors?

Kidney tumors are a diverse group of tumors which can range from simple benign lesions like Oncocytoma which are harmless to frankly malignant lesions like Renal cell carcinoma which may be life threatening. The benign tumors grow very slowly and rarely is life threatening unlike the malignant tumors, which grow rapidly, and is life threatening.

What are the types of Kidney tumors?

There are multiple types of kidney tumors. The most common type among adults being Renal cell carcinoma (Adenocarcinoma), which constitutes almost 90-95% cases, followed by Transitional cell carcinoma.

Other rare tumors are Oncocytoma, angiomyolipoma, squamous cell carcinoma, sarcoma, etc.

Where do they arise?

Kidney consists of many parts like kidney cells, blood vessels, urine collecting system and tumors may arise from any of the various parts. The most common type of tumors arising from the kidney cells is the renal cell carcinoma (RCC).

However another commonly occurring cancers are Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) arising from urine collecting system.

Other types may arise form blood vessels, fat or soft tissue etc.


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 What are the signs & symptoms?

Most of the kidney tumors in todays era are asymptomatic (i.e. have no symptoms) as they are mostly detected by chance on Ultrasound, CT scan or MRI done for some other unrelated reasons, so much so that these tumors are also known as the Radiologist/Doctor’s tumors.

The most common symptoms usually are flank pain, blood in urine or in later stages abdominal mass. Sometimes they can present with fever, weight loss, or generalized weakness. When the disease has spread beyond the kidneys, patients can develop lower limb swelling, backache, headache, cough etc.

Those who develop TCC of kidneys might present with blood in urine as the first and the only symptom with or without other non-specific symptoms like generalized weakness, fever.

Who are likely to develop these tumors?

Most of the kidney cancers, mainly RCC develop sporadically i.e. without any family history of such tumors. However around 10-15% of tumors can be familial which occur due to some genetic alterations which are transmitted in families.

People who have high blood pressure, or who consume tobacco or those who are too fat, are at increased risk of developing these tumors.

People who suffer from stone disease or are undergoing chronic dialysis for renal failure are also at increased risk of developing these tumors.


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How can it be diagnosed?

As mentioned previously most of these tumors in today’s era are incidentally detected on imaging such as ultrasound or CT scan performed for some or the other reasons.

Apart from CT scan or MRI, Chest x ray and certain blood tests which include Complete blood counts, Kidney function, Liver function tests, urine tests are done.

Those having any abnormality in liver function tests or complaining of bony pains undergo bone scan to detect spread of tumors to bone.

There is no role of FDG-PET scan in diagnosis of these tumors, however they are sometimes used   for detection of recurrences.

 What is the treatment for Kidney cancers?

Treatment is largely dependent upon the type of kidney tumor as well the stage of the tumor (extent of disease spread). For the most common variety “RCC”, if the opposite uninvolved kidney is normal, and there are no comorbidities like high blood pressure or Diabetes or any preexisting kidney disease, complete removal of the tumor-bearing kidney is the standard treatment, which is known, in medical terminology as Radical Nephrectomy.

However in patients who have a single kidney (either by birth or due to previous surgery) or in patients with Diabetes or high blood pressure or chronic kidney disease, or in patients with tumor in both the kidneys, only tumor along with rim of normal tissue is removed, with preservation of normal kidney, known as Partial nephrectomy. Now a day, partial nephrectomy has become a standard of care if tumour is around 5-6 cm in a kidney. These tumors are removes with 1 cm margins of normal kidney tissue and kidney is repaired and saved. Advantage is preservation of kidney function, which is very important for our life.

Certain patients with kidney tumors have a portion of tumor entering big vessels (renal vein &/or Inferior vena cava), which open, into heart. This group constitutes approximately 10% and requires expert care and management at a tertiary center.

For patients whose tumors have progressed beyond the kidneys into other distant sites like, lung, liver, bones, brain etc. and if they are fit enough to undergo the surgery, radical nephrectomy (in this situation called as “ Cytoreductive nephrectomy ”) is performed. The other metastatic sites can also be removed surgically if feasible.

Treatment of TCC of kidneys is however different from that of RCC. In this the kidneys along with the ureter (tubular structure which transmits urine from kidney to urinary bladder) and 1 cm bladder cuff has to be removed in high-grade lesions, whereas for low-grade tumors, simple endoscopic fulguration and BCG instillations suffice.

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Consult Kidney Cancer Treatment Specialist Delhi

What are the medicines given once the kidney is removed in Metastatic disease?

Once these patients have recovered from the surgery, a special type of anticancer medicines is started known as TKI’s (Tyrosine Kinase inhibitors) e.g. sunitinib, sorafenib, pazopanib etc. Currently newer immunotherapeutic medicines are also available both as injectable and as oral medicines, e.g. Temisirolimus, Everolimus, Nivolumab, Cabozanitinib etc. These medicines are known to shrink the metastatic tumor deposits and prolong disease progression but they do not cure the disease.

Is there any treatment if patient is not fit to undergo surgery?

In certain elderly patients with small peripherally located tumors who are not surgically fit, newer technologies which involve killing the tumor cells either by heat e.g. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA), Microwave therapy or by cooling e.g. cryoablation are available at selected centers and can be dealt with safely, however due to its limited availability, high cost, poor reproducibility and unavailability of expertise, and the psychological fear of leaving behind the tumor in the body, these modality are not routinely used at least in India.

What are the different approaches of kidney surgery?

Surgery for kidney cancers is performed by large open incisions, laparoscopically or robotically. Open surgeries are mainly performed in cases with large tumors more than 12 cm size or invading adjacent organs or associated with clot in big blood vessels or if doing partial Nephrectomy in patients with a single kidney. Gradually open surgeries are becoming historic as with the advancements in instrumentation, technology and expertise, laparoscopy has overshadowed open surgery, the main advantages being its minimally invasive nature, key hole surgery, less pain, faster recovery and discharge from hospital and fewer complications. Now a day most of the kidney surgery is done laparoscopically.

Going one step ahead, Robotics has further revolutionized the management of kidney cancers, mainly in performing Partial nephrectomies because of its precision and efficient suturing advantages apart from the usual advantages of laparoscopy. Now  a day most of partial nephrectomies are done robotically with excellent outcome. Its only disadvantage is its cost, which is 1.25 lakhs extra.

Is there a role of Radiotherapy or chemotherapy in kidney cancers?

There is a very limited role of Radiotherapy in the treatment of RCC as these tumors are resistant to radiotherapy.

Radiotherapy may however be used as a palliation (symptomatic relief) to decrease severe bony pains or refractory bleeding from urine collecting system.

As far as chemotherapy is concerned, certain subtypes of RCC, like collecting duct tumors, Bellini duct tumore and sarcomatoid differentiation, have been shown to have a some beneficial effect, however is still investigational.

Chemotherapy also has a role in TCC of kidney after nephrectomy has been done.

On the other hand chemotherapy has good response in the treatment of childhood Wilms tumors.

For patients with Severe bony pains arising due to metastasis to bones from kidney tumors, local radiotherapy can be given as a palliation.

 How is the follow up done after surgery?

Usually after surgery patients are discharged around 3-4 days later and called for OPD visit around 1 week from discharge. Initially they are followed up at 3 months, then 6 months and then annually thereafter at least till 5 yrs., and preferably lifelong at increasing intervals. Tumors can recur even years later, but usually recur within first 2 years. During these visits they undergo a detailed clinical history and physical examination along with blood tests, chest x rays and contrast CT scan or MRI of abdomen and some other tests if required.

Whereas follow up after surgery for TCC of kidney is slightly different in that apart from the tests mentioned above, urine cytology (to look for cancer cells,) & cystoscopy (endoscopy of urinary bladder) also needs to be performed at regular intervals to detect recurrences early.

What is the survival rate of kidney cancers?

Survival rate of patients with kidney tumors is stage dependent. For RCC, which are localized to the kidneys, the 5-year survival rate is greater than 90%, however for tumors, which have spread beyond the kidneys to surrounding fat, the survival is around 60%. Survival decreases further to 10-20% as the spread occurs to lymph nodes or distant sites.

Survival for TCC of kidney is much poorer than RCC and ranges from 50-60%.

Survival rates for other varieties of kidney tumor are worse than above.

Can it be prevented?

In todays era of stressful life, leading a healthy lifestyle and avoiding the risk factors mentioned above, does not guarantee against developing a kidney cancer. So these tumors are not 100% preventable, but leading a healthy lifestyle is in general beneficial for an individual and as a whole reduces the chances of other infections and cancers.

Moreover certain tumors are hereditary and cannot be prevented at present.

So regular health check ups and early detection is the key to successful treatment and good long-term outcomes.


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Commons Symptoms Of Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer or renal cell carcinoma is among the 10 most common types of cancer in men as well as women. However, its symptoms are usually not visible until later stages or till the tumor enlarges. The condition is mostly common in people over the age of 60 years. It is best to see a Kidney Cancer Treatment Specialist Delhi after the age of 50 for screening. Symptoms and signs of kidney cancer include:

Blood in the urine

This condition is known as hematuria and is among the most common sign and symptom of kidney cancer. Nearly 40 to 50 percent of all kidney cancer patients have hematuria. However, this condition can also be seen in other conditions such as prostate cancer, in which case one would have to consult a Prostate Cancer Specialist In Delhi.


Lower back pain

Lower back is quite common in elderly people or people over the age of 40 years. Nearly 40 percent of people with kidney cancer report lower back pain. And usually it is experienced after the cancer has reached an advanced stage.

A lump or mass around the abdomen

A lump or a mass in the abdominal area or in the side or back can be a sign of RCC. It may feel like a thickening, hard, or bulging bump hiding under the skin. Nearly 45 percent of kidney cancer patients have abdominal lump. However, it might be unnoticeable during the early stages of RCC, as the kidney sits deep under the abdominal area.


Know About Prostate Cancer – Dr. Anant Kumar (Robotic Surgeon in India)

What is the prostate?

The prostate is a gland which lies just below
the urinary bladder in men. It provides fluid to help
in male reproductive functions. The prostate gland surrounds
a tube, called the urethra through which urine exits the penis. A problem affecting the prostate gland can affect how you urinate and may affect your sexual function.

What is prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is the commonest cancer in men. Globally, around 1.1 Million men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and more than 300,000 die of prostate cancer in a year.

Prostate cancer is less common in men below the age of 50 years. The average age for diagnosis is 70 to 74 years. The risk is greater for men who have a family history of prostate cancer and in African men.

Prostate cancer is more common in developed, western countries, suggesting that there may be a link with lifestyle factors such as diet.

Prostate cancer can grow very slowly or very quickly. Slow-growing cancers are common and may not cause symptoms or shorten life.


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What are the Symptoms of Prostate Cancer?

Many men with prostate cancer have no symptoms related to their cancer. For those that do have symptoms, they could include any of the following:

  • Urinary problems – weak urine stream, difficulty initiating urination, stopping and starting during urination; urinating frequently, especially at night, pain or burning with urination.
  • These symptoms are also often associated with noncancerous enlargement of the prostate, called benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH.
  • Blood – in the urine and semen.
  • Pain – in the hips, pelvis, spine or upper legs.
  • Pain or discomfort – during ejaculation.

How is prostate cancer diagnosed ?

  • Digital rectal examination (DRE). During a DRE, your doctor inserts a gloved, lubricated finger into your rectum to examine your prostate, which is adjacent to the rectum. If your doctor finds any abnormalities in the texture, shape or size of the gland, you may need further tests.
  • Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test.


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What is a PSA test?

The PSA test is a blood test that measures the level of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in your blood. PSA is a protein made by the prostate gland. It is released into the bloodstream, depending on your age and the health of your prostate.

A raised level may mean you have prostate cancer. About two out of three men (67%) with a raised PSA will not have prostate cancer. The higher the levels of PSA, the more likely it is to be a sign of cancer. The PSA test can also miss cancer.

Other conditions which are not cancerous (for example, benign enlargement of the prostate, prostatitis, and urinary infection) can cause higher PSA levels in the blood.

The PSA test is often done to detect cancer in men who have problems passing urine. It is also used to help in the treatment of men who are known to have prostate cancer. It can detect early prostate cancer before it causes symptoms or there is any abnormality of the prostate.

When you have a PSA test, you should not have:

  • an active urinary infection or infection within the last six weeks;
  • ejaculated within the last 48 hours;
  • exercised heavily within the last 48 hours;
  • had a prostate biopsy within the last six weeks; or
  • had a digital rectal examination (DRE) within the last week.

 Let your doctor decide whether or not a PSA test is recommended for you. If it is done, let him interpret it taking your clinical picture into consideration.

PSA testing combined with DRE helps identify prostate cancers at their earliest stages. 

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Multi-parametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging (mpMRI)

This is a type of MRI scan in which three pulse sequences are used, with the results combined and analysed together. An mpMRI cannot diagnose prostate cancer, however if cancer is suspected, your doctor may recommend this test to identify which areas of the prostate may be abnormal. This may reduce the need for a biopsy.

 PET scans

These specialised scans are much more sensitive and specific in detecting recurrent or metastatic cancers. The prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) PET scan is the most commonly used.

Bone scan

This scan can show whether the cancer has spread to your bones. It can be used for later comparison if needed. A small amount of radioactive material (technetium) is injected into a vein. After 1–2 hours, you will have a body scan. This scan is painless.

 How is prostate cancer treated ?

The treatment of prostate cancer depends upon many factors. The type of cancer, whether or not the cancer has spread (metastasized), a patient’s age, general health status, and prior prostate treatments the patient may have undergone.

There are three standard therapies for men with organ-confined prostate cancer :

Deferred treatment (active surveillance/watchful waiting)


Radiation Therapy.

 Active Surveillance

Active surveillance may be recommended only if a cancer is not causing any symptoms and is expected to grow very slowly.

The cancer is regularly and carefully monitored with PSA, clinical evaluation and intermittent prostate biopsies to ensure that the cancer is not becoming more aggressive. If progression of the cancer is evident, active treatment can be started.

This approach is sometimes suited for older men or those who have other serious health problems. Because some prostate cancers spread very slowly, older men who have the disease may never require treatment. Other men choose active surveillance because they feel the side effects of treatment outweigh the benefits.

 Watchful waiting

Watchful waiting (WW) is also known as deferred or symptom-guided treatment. It refers to conservative management, until the development of local or systemic progression with (imminent) disease-related complaints. Patients are then treated according to their symptoms, in order to maintain quality of life.

In contrast to Active surveillance, no specific tests or markers are used to actively monitor disease. It is used for elderly patients with a short life span.


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Surgical treatment of prostate cancer involves removing the entire prostate as well as the seminal vesicles (small glands near the prostate), with or without the removal of lymph nodes –  a procedure called radical prostatectomy.

Radical prostatectomy – can be done by various approaches.

1. Open radical prostatectomy – entails an incision on the lower half of the abdomen and removal of the prostate.

Although it is the oldest procedure, it entails a longer hospital stay, bigger wounds and greater chances of infection.

2. Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy – is done by making small holes in the anterior abdomen.

It is a technically challenging operation requiring advanced laparoscopy skills by the surgeon.

The hospital stay is shorter, the recovery of the patient is faster and the chances of infection are lesser.

3. Robotic assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy/Robotic radical prostatectomy

The three goals of surgery, in order of importance, are cancer  control, preservation of urinary control, and preservation of sexual function. Great skill and experience in the selection of surgical candidates and operative technique are necessary to achieve all three. With the advent of robotic surgery, improvements have been made in the surgical technique.

RARP is now the most preferred and most advocated surgical technique for Radical prostatectomy.

What happens during the procedure ?

  • A full general anaesthetic is normally used and you will be asleep throughout the procedure. You will usually be given an injection of antibiotics before the procedure, after you have been checked for any allergies. The anaesthetist may also use an epidural or spinal anaesthetic to reduce the level of pain afterwards. During the surgery you will be given antibiotics by injection. If you have any allergies, be sure to let the anaesthetist know. 
The Da Vinci® Xi Robot is used at my hospital. It is the state of the art robot with the most cutting edge technology available today. It helps remove the prostate using “keyhole” techniques but with small incisions to remove the gland. We use a robotic console which is placed beside you in the operating theatre (pictured). Each console has four robotic arms; three for instruments and one for a high-magnification 3-D camera. The robotic arms can hold a variety instruments which allow the surgeon to carry out your 
operation. The instruments are 7mm or so wide. Because they are small, they have a greater range of movement than the human hand and they allow the surgeon to carry out the operation in 3-D, within a small space in the body. 
With robotic surgery, the instruments are placed on to the robotic arms through small port holes into your abdomen. The operating surgeon sits in the same room but away from you. The surgeon is able to carry out controlled & precise movements using robotic assistance. The robot does not, of course, do the operation; the instruments are controlled by the surgeon because the robot cannot work on its own.

 Are there any side-effects? 
Most procedures have possible side-effects. But, although the complications listed below are well-recognised, most patients do not suffer any problems.

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 Common (greater than 1 in 10)

– Temporary difficulties with urinary control.

– Impairment of erections even if the nerves can be preserved (20 to 50% of 
men with good pre-operative sexual function).

– Inability to ejaculate or father children because the structures which produce 
seminal fluid have been removed (occurs in all patients).

– Discovery that cancer cells have already spread outside the prostate, needing 
further treatment.

Occasional (between 1 in 10 and 1 in 50)

– Scarring at the bladder exit resulting in weakening of the urinary stream and needing further surgery (2 to 5%).

– Severe urinary incontinence (temporary or permanent) needing pads or further surgery (2 to 5%).

– Blood loss needing transfusion or repeat surgery.

– Further treatment at a later date, including radiotherapy or hormone treatment.

– Lymph fluid collection in the pelvis if lymph node sampling is performed.

– Some degree of mild constipation can occur; we will give you medication 
for this but, if you have a history of piles, you need to be especially careful 
to avoid constipation.

– Apparent shortening of the penis.

– Development of a hernia related to the site of the port insertion.

– Development of a hernia in the groin area at least 6 months after the 

Rare (less than 1 in 50)

– Anaesthetic or cardiovascular problems possibly requiring intensive care admission (including chest infection, pulmonary embolus, stroke, deep vein thrombosis, heart attack and death).

– Pain, infection or hernia at incision sites.

– Rectal injury needing a temporary colostomy.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is either a non-invasive, or minimally invasive treatment for prostate cancer that uses x-rays or gamma-rays to eradicate prostate cancer cells.

Prostate cancer treatments have several forms of radiation therapy that may be recommended. Each patient receives a customized treatment plan depending on the nature of the cancer, the patient’s unique symptoms and overall health.


Prognosis means the expected outcome of a disease. Generally, prognosis is better when prostate cancer is diagnosed while it is early stage, and at a lower grade.

You will need to discuss your prognosis with your doctor. However, it is not possible for any doctor to predict the exact course of the cancer. Test results, the extent of the spread of the cancer, and factors such as your age, level of fitness, medical and family history are important in assessing your prognosis. These factors will also help your doctor advise you on the best management or treatment options and tell you what to expect.

Prostate cancer often grows slowly and even the more aggressive prostate cancers tend to grow more slowly than other types of cancer. Compared with other cancers, prostate cancer has one of the highest five-year survival rates. For many men, the prostate cancer grows so slowly that it never needs treatment. Many men live with prostate cancer for many years without any symptoms and without it spreading.

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